After the well-attended annual conference of Writers and Directors Worldwide held in Algeria last April, the Writers and Directors Worldwide Executive Committee meets again, this time in the city of Moscow, Russia, next October.

The Executive Committee of Writers and Directors Worldwide – will meet in the month of October in the city of Moscow, Russian Federation, in a new meeting that will take place on 25th and 26th October.
In the city of Moscow, important meetings will be held with the Department of Intellectual Rights of Art of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, where W&DW will present its work, its objectives, its actions carried out in the defense of author’s rights and will at the disposal of the authorities the indispensable support for the Creators of the Russian Federation.
In addition, important Russian authors will be received, inviting them to participate, joining this council of creators from all over the world, where it will be essential to listen to their experiences and needs with the possibility of inviting them to be part of the new Asia Pacific Alliance W&DW has been strengthening year after year.
W&DW will plan new objectives, set priorities on societies that need help to reaffirm and build themselves as CMOs, and propose to reestablish political dialogue with those countries that are still struggling to obtain a law of fair remuneration. The date of its next annual congress will be discussed – expecting to receive – as has happened at its last annual congress – a large number of authors of CMOs from around the world, adding in this opportunity two very important and vital authors for the region and in the formation of the Asia Pacific alliance: Peter Vanilla, Director and Parkwon Woo (Screenwriter) both from South Korea, who will once again conglomerate in this congress by a single defense, authors’ one. As always, the members of the regional alliances of Africa and Latin America will be present as the authors and technical representatives of the member societies of the council. RUR – Russian Union of rights holders –, will be the host society and – together with its General Director – Mr. Andrey Krichevsky – and its Sub Director and Head of the International area – Mr. Erik Valdés-Martines – will receive the world societies in this new meeting of author’s rights.

Peter Vanilla

Park Woo