The new operating system, active in several countries of Latin America for the declaration of works, as well as for the collection and distribution, was presented live at the 1st. AVACI Annual Congress.

Last Wednesday June 9, during the First Congress of AVACI – Audiovisual Authors International Confederation –, Daniel Di Napoli, Systems Director of DAC – Directors Argentina– and developer of the new AVSYS Operating System, made a live presentation, through the Zoom platform, with simultaneous translation into six languages. This system will be distributed internationally by AVACI, free of charge, in order to promote the integration of works worldwide, through the local registry of a database concerning Audiovisual Authors and their works around the world, to centralize the information for collection, to identify Audiovisual Authors and the societies they belong to, and to view their works, among other functions. At the same time, the system is available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hindi, Korean, Russian, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese.
Sharing his screen with the other attendants, Di Napoli defined AVSYS as “an integrated system that allows, all societies, to make arrangements for authors’ rights” and explained that the development of tools was performed taking into account the technical recommendations published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
The video with technical specifications on the AVSYS Operating System can be viewed by entering the AVACI web Platform: