It shall take place on June 9 and representatives of the five alliances that are part of the Confederation shall attend it.

The Audiovisual Authors International Confederation – AVACI-, shall hold its first Congress on June 9.
Representatives of the five continental alliances that are part of AVACI shall attend this event: FESAAL –Latin American Audivisual Authors Societies Federation -, Pan-African Alliance of Screenwriters and Directors-, Asia-Pacific, Eurasia and Europe.
The event shall be held virtually through the professional interface of Zoom, it shall gather Audiovisual Authors from all around the world and it shall be simultaneously translated in six languages: English, French, Portuguese, Hindi, Korean and Russian.
The members of AVACI’s First Founding Executive Council are:
Marcelo Piñeyro – AVACI Honorary President, Laza Razanajatovo – APASER Africa, Gilles Cayatte – LA SCAM France, Horacio Maldonado – DAC Argentina, Marie Clémentine Dusabejambo – APASER Africa, Danilo Serbedzija – DHFR Croatia, Klemen Dvornik – AIPA Slovenia, Yoon Jung Lee – DGK South Korea, Miguel Angel Diani – ARGENTORES Argentina, Anjum Rajabali – SRAI India, Alexandra Cardona Restrepo – REDES Colombia, Sylvio Back – DBCA Brazil, Sylvia Palma – GEDAR Brazil, Alexey Aleshkovsky – Russian Guild of Screenwriters Russia, Huseyn Mehdiyev – AzDG Azerbaijan, Silvana Jarmoluk Stroganova – Coordinator of the Eurasia Alliance.
Avaci Legal and Technical Committee
Gregor Stibernik – AIPA Slovenia, Erik Valdes Martines – Russian Federation Russia, Daniel Di Napoli – DAC – Argentina, Mariana Gugliotti – DAC Argentina, Luis Mangiavillano – DAC Argentina, German Gutierrez – Argentores Argentina, Adriana Saldarriaga – DASC Colombia, Sanghun YANG – DGK South Korea.
During the Congress, different panels shall be presented to the members of AVACI First Founding Executive Council, who at the different prior meetings of this Audiovisual Authors Confederation stated the following concepts about the Confederation and its objectives:

“AVACI conformation is a great news. The support for the creation of new collective management organization – CMO’s of audiovisual authors’ rights is crucial. This is a historic day.”
Marcelo Piñeyro– DAC – AVACI Honorary President Argentina

“From APASER, we represent 54 African countries. It is our desire to keep moving towards the future. And we can encounter that future by defending the right to remuneration for audiovisual authors around the world.”
Laza Razanajatovo– APASER Presidient Madagascar – África

“It has always been our objective that authors take the lead.
We want to be part of the new Confederation of Authors led by authors, where audiovisual authors’ matters are treated.”
Gilles Cayatte– LA SCAM France

“We have accomplished the creation of a strong international bond that unites audiovisual authors around the world and we shall fight for the defense of the right to remuneration in every country. From AVACI, we can provide the necessary assistance and knowledge that authors need to be organized in their territories and to have their rights recognized.”
Horacio Maldonado – FESAAL General Secretary Argentina

“It was very impressive to be able to access all this information that is available at AVACI Website. This union of audiovisual authors is a dream that we hope will become a reality.”
Marie Clémentine Dusabejambo– APASER Rwanda – África

“When our world is filled with audiovisual material which gains impulse and which prevails more each day, here we are promoting the defense of rights for audiovisual authors. The goal of each individual is self-improvement, that is how we envisage AVACI.”
Danilo Serbedzija– DHFR Croacia

“It is a necessary step for the creation of authors. It is a historic day. AVACI is the new organization of the future, purely audiovisual at an international level.”
Klemen Dvornik– AIPA Eslovenia

“In Korea, we are learning to be a management society. We are yet to have in our country a legal system that supports authors. We desperately need international support. I really hope AVACI can help Korea and other Asian countries.”
Yoon Jung Lee– DGK Corea del Sur

“We are responsible for our own path. We are convinced that AVACI is the solution for audiovisual authors, it is our home.”
Miguel Ángel Diani– ARGENTORES President Argentina

“In order to achieve our rights in India, we really need all the support, recommendations; anything they say we shall do, we are pleased to do it.”
Anjum Rajabali– SRAI India

“AVACI is what naturally needs to happen. The result of all this shall have a positive impact in the lives of authors. We are ready to return what we have received.”
Alexandra Cardona Restrepo– REDES President Colombia

“AVACI is a magnificent idea. This is a historic time for all continents united.”
Sylvio Back– DBCA President Brazil

“We are in the midst of a renewal and highly revolutionary process. This society promises a new paradigm for authors”.
Sylvia Palma– GEDAR General Secretary Brasil

“We hope that with your support, we could achieve our rights as authors, because we feel all the international support.”
Alexey Aleshkovsky– Russian Guild of Screenwriters Rusia

“We shall achieve our objectives, the future is ours, and it is the audiovisual authors’ future. Digital technology has created huge opportunities for us. You have our support.”
Huseyn Mehdiyev – AZDG President Azerbaijan

“The Eurasia Alliance of Audiovisual Authors and its work within the AVACI has generated great strength and contribution from all the world with this region and the AV rights of its authors. We have much work ahead, but we are willing to achieve the right to remuneration in all the countries comprising this alliance.”
Silvana Jarmoluk Stroganova – Coordinator of the Eurasia Alliance Rusia.