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CREADORES PY – New Directors and Screenwriters CMO

The Society was formed and created to protect the rights and remuneration of directors, screenwriters and filmmakers, national and foreign, as audiovisual authors. For the first time in their history, the Republic of Paraguay counts with an entity which protects the rights of their Authors.

Hand in hand with Directors Juan Carlos Maneglia – President Creadores Py – and Tana Schémbori – General Secretary Creadores Py – and an extensive group of Paraguayan Authors, counting with complete support of FESAAL – for the first time in the territory´s history the collective management society was created, having as a main task the protection of authors ´rights, besides encouraging learning activities for them, directed essentially towards Directors and Screenwriters which count with fiction feature films, documentaries, series or soap operas, exhibited and commercialized.

At present, the society is directed and open to all fiction feature films and documentaries directors who have launched productions which were exhibited to the open public. The inclusion of more audiovisual professionals, such as video clip and short film directors, is also contemplated.

Within the frame of its constitution, the presentation of the directive council, the surveillance committee and the electoral committee took place. The president of the directive committee is Juan Carlos Maneglia, Vice-president Rodrigo Salomón, Secretary and Treasurer Tana Schémbori and Vocal Eduardo Subeldía.

Above from left to right: Pietro Scapinni, Ray Armele, Javier Facciuto, Armando Aquino, Juan Manuel Salinas, Juan Carlos Maneglia, Rodrigo Salomon, Eduardo Subeldia, Notary: Kike Peroni. Bottom Left to right: Andrea Stallard, Tana Schembori, Legal Advisor: Claudia Franco.

Initially, film director Juan Carlos Maneglia will be acting president of the society, as vice-president, filmmaker Rodrigo Salomón, accompanied by a directive committee of founding partners such as Tana Schémbori, Pietro Scappini, Armando Aquino, Tito Chamorro, Juan Manuel Salinas, Aramí Ullón, Ray Armele, among others.

As far as authors ‘rights, Latin America has advanced nonstop within these past years, reaching the milestone of the creation of FESAAL – Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors– which finances and supports the formation of collective management societies in each Latin American country, creating in this way a regional structure for the help of Authors.


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