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AVACI: Audiovisual Authors International Confederation launches its first global meeting


With the presence of representatives from different societies around the world, belonging to the five continental and regional alliances that make up the AVACI – Audiovisual Authors International Confederation -, the first meeting of this global organization was held last Thursday, April 15th, which has as its main objectives the defense of the author’s rights for audiovisual screenwriters and directors as well as achieving full recognition of the right of remuneration for the public exhibition of their audiovisual works around the world.

This Confederation of Audiovisual Authors is composed mainly by five International Alliances such as Africa, Asia Pacific, Eurasia, Europe, and Latin America, in which are integrated societies of screenwriters and audiovisual directors as well as collective management organizations that represent them internationally.

The renowned director and screenwriter Marcelo Piñeyro, proposed as one of the Honorary Presidents of this Audiovisual Confederation came forward and gave warm words of welcome to the participants in addition to highlighting the work carried out by this group of authors in defending their rights around the world.

Marcelo Piñeyro,  destacado director y guionista de gran trayectoria internacional, será el primero de los Presidentes Honorarios de esta Confederación Audiovisual.
Marcelo Piñeyro, prominent director and screenwriter with a great international career, will be the first of the Honorary Presidents of this Audiovisual Confederation

The meeting held through the professional interface of ZOOM with the assistance of simultaneous translation in English, Spanish and Russian languages, and it is worth highlighting the relaxed and joyful character of this highly expected meeting being that in addition most of the authors present there have been known for many years ago by virtue of their active participation in different congresses held throughout Europe and Latin America, but also in cities and countries such as Beijing – China, Tokyo-Japan, Moscow – Russia, among many others.

Vinod Ranganath – Srai – India / Laza Razanajatovo Madagascar Presidente Apaser ´- African Alaiance / Hrvoje Hribar – Dhfr – Croacia Yoon Jung Lee Dgk – Corea Del Sur / Anjum Rajabali – Srai – India Miguel Ángel Diani – Argentores – Argentina
Vinod Ranganath – Srai – India / Laza Razanajatovo Madagascar President Apaser ´- African Alaiance / Hrvoje Hribar – Dhfr – Croacia Yoon Jung Lee Dgk – Corea Del Sur / Anjum Rajabali – Srai – India Miguel Ángel Diani – Argentores – Argentina

The presence of emerging societies such as SRAI– screenwriters from India and DGK – directors of South Korea with whom FESAAL and AVACI are working very closely with their plan that provides them with technical and economic assistance so that they can strengthen their organizations and defend the author’s rights in their territories are particularly detailed.

Shahira Tajaddin Huseyn Mehtiyev Gremio De Directores De Cine De Azerbaiyán / Aleksey Aleshkovsky Llc “Gremio De Guionistas De Rusia” Sean Moon – Dgk – Corea Del Sur / Carmen Guarini – Dac – Argentina / Sergey Girgel Unión De Guionistas Y Directores De Belarusia / Silvana Jarmoluk – Fesaal –
Shahira Tajaddin Huseyn Mehtiyev Azerbaijan Film Directors Guild / Aleksey Aleshkovsky Llc “Guild Of Screenwriters Of Russia” Sean Moon – Dgk – Corea Del Sur / Carmen Guarini – Dac – Argentina / Sergey Girgel Union Of Screenwriters And Directors Of Belarusia / Silvana Jarmoluk – Fesaal –

A special mention deserved the presentation and release of two videos – the first of which was conceived as a tribute to all audiovisual authors who with great effort and dedication participated in the actions developed in the last 10 years in the defense of the rights of audiovisual authors in all regions of the world.

The second video showed for the first time in society all the functionalities of the AVSYS Operating System, as well as its tools, specialized in the author’s database, audiovisual works, collection, and international distribution of rights.

It should be noted that this Operating System as its tools are open source and members of this brand-new Confederation of Audiovisual Authors will be able to use these technical resources – capable of controlling and executing all the activities of a collective management society – free of charge and being able to modify its code and services according to the local and legal requirements of each organization – CMO.

Representatives of the Alliances will meet shortly to continue working and elect members to its first International Executive Council of Audiovisual Authors.


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