The creators of the entire world, deeply regret that the Plenary of the European Parliament has not endorsed the JURI report on the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market. Today more than ever, the united Authors will be strengthened to find a principle of equity and proportional remuneration for the authors and the exploitation of their works.

From the beginning, the European copyright reform has always been surrounded by uncertainty. Today July 5, 2018, the European Parliament has rejected it having been voted by a narrow majority against the draft of the EU Copyright Directive.
The directive addresses what is today an important debt with the creators in the digital market, with the intention of returning the fair remuneration for the use, exploitation and retransmission of their works used by the largest digital platforms in the world.
With this result and after a huge disappointment of the authors – not only European but of the whole world – the Directive will return to the plenary in September, for a debate that is expected long and full of debates.
The united authors, grouped in the different CMOs that represent them, will continue working together with other organizations of the creative sector and with governments, to find a positive solution and amendment so that the European Parliament supports and understands the legitimate rights of the creators. This struggle is not over, it continues for the future of culture and a fair, regulated and sustainable Internet.
The creators are the heart and soul of the plurality and rich identities of Europe, they are the creators of Culture meeting today in the weakest link in the remuneration chain and facing big monopolies that transmit their works of life without any remuneration.
“The European Parliament, today, left without support not only the European creators, who are undoubtedly the most affected, but the authors from all over the world. The claim of the author in the world defense for the right of remuneration and for the payment of retransmission for the work of all life is, without doubt, a struggle that is faced from all corners of each of the continents. The united authors are asking for the urgent review of this measure, the urgent need for an improvement not only economic but fair, and the clear recognition of the right that authors have over our works that are displayed on the Internet, with the need to improve the quality of life and culture of a country. A country without culture tends to disappear. This fight does not end, the authors of the world today, we are more united than ever”
Horacio Maldonado – President W&DW – Writers and Directors Worldwide – International Council of Creators