After the annual W&DW congress, held in the city of Moscow, Russian Federation, during this past month of March, which gathered Audiovisual Authors from the region and surroundings, the advances on the proposed objectives have come to light.
The past annual congress gathered not only Russian Audiovisual Authors, but colleagues from Azerbaijan and Byelorussia as well, who, for the first time, got acquainted with their pair representatives of international collective management societies, members of W&WD, gathering in the city of Moscow to express their total support for this struggle for their rights in their territories, marking as prioritary the support to societies which need help with their constitution as Collective Management Societies.

Hussein Mekhtiev (Director, President AzDG, Azerbaijan)

Vladimir Khotinenko (Director, Russian Federation)

Erik Valdes-Martines (Deputy Chief of International RUR, Russian Federation)

Shahira Tajaddin (General Secretary AzDG, Azerbaijan)

Sergey Hirhel (Playwright and screenwriter, Byelorussia)

W&DW Annual Meeting Moscow 2019

W&DW Annual Meeting Moscow 2019

W&DW Annual Meeting Moscow 2019
Directors and Audiovisual Screenwriters of the Russian Federation, supported in this struggle by great figures of national cinema such as internationally recognized Directors Vladimir Khotinenko and Nikita Mikhalkov pronouncing themselves in favour of the constitution of an Association which nucleates Directors and Screenwriters in their territory, have made important progress, having made a formal presentation to the Ministry of Culture, stating the problematic of authors ´rights of Russian Screenwriters and Directors. This said petition, in order to change the present laws, was formally presented before the Russian Congress. It is expected that Director Vladimir Khotinenko – who has great representativity before the cinematographic and television business environment – will be the person who leads the constitution of a Directors collective management society.
Byelorussian Audiovisual Authors are in the same situation. After the congress, they are actively collaborating towards the organization of the Byelorussian Directors and Screenwriters Collective Management Association, which will defend their authors´ rights to remuneration in their territory and the rest of the world.
Given that Azerbaijan already counts with a management society – AAS Azerbaijan Society of Authors – which represents their authors in their territory as from 1995 – such society, is collaborating in agreements of reciprocal representation with other societies around the world. This is important, for the defence of Azerbaijani Audiovisual Authors to be represented in the entire world.
Photos: Martín Gamaler, DAC – DEPAC for W&DW.