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DBCA - Brazilian Directors of Audiovisual Cinema deeply values the collaboration with its strategic partners, who play a crucial role in achieving our objectives. Together, we work towards the collective management of author’s rights for film and audiovisual directors in Brazil, ensuring the protection and appreciation of creative work. Additionally, our partners contribute to the creation and maintenance of social assistance initiatives that directly benefit our members. Partnerships with organizations and entities that share our values and goals strengthen our commitment to justice and ongoing support for professionals in the industry.

Image by Patrick Fore
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Latin American Alliance of Screenwriters and Dramatists

​ARGENTORES, AGADU, ATN, REDES, GEDAR, and SOGEM formed a non-profit civil institution, created in response to the need for a specific project to promote the creation and strengthen the existence of Collective Management Societies for the author’s rights of audiovisual screenwriters as authors of cinematic and/or television audiovisual works.



AVACI is composed of international companies and alliances that represent and/or manage the rights of authors of audiovisual works, screenwriters, and directors. Its creation and foundation arose from the need to defend audiovisual author’s rights worldwide, as an inalienable, non-transferable right belonging to the lifetime work of its author, who is the rightful owner.

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Image by Nicolas Jehly
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Pan-African Alliance of Screenwriters and Directors

APASER is internationally supported by AVACI, the largest network of authors' societies in the world, and by its creators' council, which fights internationally for audiovisual rights, Writers & Directors Worldwide. This network spans 123 countries, and through its 239 member societies, it represents the interests of over four million creators.

The collaboration with APASER is a key component of this international representation. It follows a similar model to the one developed in Latin America with the formation of the Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance (ADAL). This has been crucial in aligning the efforts of national authors' societies in the region and ensuring they receive the international support of AVACI and Writers & Directors Worldwide to effectively lobby governments.


International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers

CISAC – The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – is the largest global network of authors' societies (also known as collective management organizations, or CMOs).

With over 227 member societies in more than 116 countries, CISAC represents more than 5 million creators from all geographical areas and across all artistic repertoires: music, audiovisual, dramatic arts, literature, and visual arts.

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The Latin American Federation of Audiovisual Authors Societies is composed of societies that manage the Author’s Rights of Audiovisual Works for cinema (cinematic works), television (television works), or any other form of exhibition and/or visual and/or audiovisual, both created and to be created in the future. Regarding authors of dramatic theatrical works, it recognizes as authors, and only for the purposes of this document, screenwriters and audiovisual directors, as well as playwrights and authors of dramatic works for theater. It is a non-governmental, non-profit international organization and, as such, does not seek financial benefits

In defense of Brazilian Audiovisual Authors

Image by Redd F
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