Notícias sobre o direito audiovisual fornecidas por AV CREATORS NEWS
Em defesa do Direito Autoral e da Justa Remuneração
para os Autores Audiovisuais de todo o mundo
Cuban’s Creators on their way to becoming part of the world of Author’s Rights
Authors’ struggle still continues
Brazilian’s audiovisual authors will collect author’s rights
Call on worldwide creators – Support our petition to the EU for a more equitable internet
W&DW urges European Ministers to state a right of remuneration for Authors
Calling all CISAC authors
New international legal study supports equitable remuneration for Audiovisual Authors
W&DW Annual Congress Algiers
NEW – Author’s Rights University: History, Culture, Industry
The Latin American and Caribbean Committee gathers lots of musicians, filmmakers and playwrights
The pioneer of rights dies – Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Fairness Rocks, Fair reward for the creative contribution