Notícias sobre o direito audiovisual fornecidas por AV CREATORS NEWS
Em defesa do Direito Autoral e da Justa Remuneração
para os Autores Audiovisuais de todo o mundo
South Korea: An audiovisual industry admired by everyone
COVID – 19 and its effect on Creators
Pan African Screenwriters and Directors announce the creation of an app for smart phones
Uruguayan government passed new laws that establish a Right to Remuneration for Audiovisual Creators
Justice stops the letters which demand to pay 400 euros for piracy to European citizens
New attacks to Authors’ Rights occur in Brazil and in Argentina
Writers and Directors Worldwide Annual Congress will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea
Perú promotes cinematographic and audiovisual activity through an Decree
The first poll in history regarding the current situation of European Audiovisual Authors
DASC and REDES signed with Caracol and RCN TV networks for author's rights collection in Colombia
Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors‘ Societies was held.
AAPA Asia-Pacific Alliance, brings together Audiovisual Creators from all over the region