Notícias sobre o direito audiovisual fornecidas por AV CREATORS NEWS
Em defesa do Direito Autoral e da Justa Remuneração
para os Autores Audiovisuais de todo o mundo
The defense of audiovisual rights in Latin America above related rights
The Chilean Supreme Court of Justice rules in favor of ATN audiovisual authors
Meeting of FESAAL Technical and Legal Committee
FESAAL participated in the online conference “Creative Global Talks”
The new law for audiovisual authors was sanctioned in Uruguay
DASC – Directors Colombia – initiated the distribution of authors’ rights for Colombian audiovisual
FESAAL Annual Congress 2020 Latin American Audiovisual Authors
REDES – Screenwriters Colombia – starts distributing authors’ rights to Audiovisual Screenwriters
New Zealand in the search for the reform of their authors ‘right law
Brazilian victory: Audiovisual Directors start collecting author’s rights
Collection of Audiovisual Author’s Rights of VOD platforms is increasing
W&DW Executive Committee will continue its work despite COVID-19